Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Enron: Puzzle or Mystery

Gladwell on NewYorker

Another interesting piece by Malcolm Gladwell. The basic claim is that the problem with Enron was not one of disclosure, but of lack of watchfulness on the equity analysts' part.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Darfur vs the Runaway Bride

Link to Report

Interesting analysis on the traditional news media coverage of the Darfur crisis vs various news related to celebrities and flash in the pan events. The media source / consumer feedback cycle seems to have trained the media sources to focus on topics that are likely to keep viewers glued to the tube rather than substantial events and issues of the day. Is govt subsidized media (a la the BBC) the only solution to this? Does the free market really lead to a docile gawking media?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

NYT Magazine: Unhappy Meals

Great article on how the focus on fads (low-carb! fat-free!) and basic nutrients rather than food and lifestyle as a whole is making americans more unhealthy. I feel much better about my tendency to not eat or drink anything that is labeled lowfat/diet.

Link to Article on NYTMag

Alright - finally I did it. I've started a blog. Not because I want to build a cult like following of like minded people, but more to keep track of worthwhile material that I read online (or off) - and to develop a distinct writing voice. If it helps my friends make fun of me for all my strange and copious online reading, even better.

Reporter: "A writer who guesses his way to the truth and dispels it with a tempest of words."
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary